About Us
Verdure Psychology is a limited company based in York, UK, providing online assessment and therapy nationwide. We are also able to offer face to face therapy in Heslington and in York city centre.

Dr Richard Jenkinson, Clinical Psychologist and Director of Verdure Psychology is available to help people improve their mood, wellbeing, resilience, eating difficulties, body image issues, confidence and self-worth.
He can also offer evidence-based psychological treatment for mental health conditions such as depression, social anxiety, binge-eating disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Dr Jenkinson offers both face-to-face psychological therapy (from two clinic locations in York) and an online service throughout the UK (via a secure video link).
Dr Alice Reid Williams is available to help people struggling with the impact of trauma, relationships difficulties, issues with low mood and self-criticism, shame and/or guilt. She can also support people who are just struggling with life in general.
She offers psychological therapy throughout the UK via an online service.
Jenkinson R, Milne E, Thompson A. (2020). The relationship between intolerance of uncertainty and anxiety in autism: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Autism. 24(8):1933-1944. doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/1362361320932437.
Brown, A., Jenkinson, R., Coakes, J., Cockfield, A., O’Brien, T., & Hall, L. (2018). Pathways to Recovery: development and evaluation of a cognitive–behavioural therapy in-patient treatment programme for adults with Anorexia Nervosa. BJPsych Bulletin, 42(3), 95-101.doi: https://doi.org/10.1192%2Fbjb.2017.30