Paying for Psychological Assessment and Therapy using a WPA insurance policy
- The customer checks their insurance policy provides cover for mental health treatment.
- The customer then contacts Verdure Psychology and we arrange a free, no obligation telephone call to discuss whether we can help, and agree the therapist who is best placed to meet the customer’s needs.
- The customer then calls the insurance company to clarify if a GP referral is needed and if there will be any excess or copayments they will be liable for. They request a pre-authorisation code from WPA for the initial assessment with the therapist (this may require the customer to have acquired a referral from their GP in some cases). For reference, the assessment lasts 90 minutes and costs £150 (which will be paid for via Verdure Psychology invoicing WPA).
- The customer then contacts Verdure Psychology and provides their WPA customer number & pre-authorisation code. Verdure Psychology will usually contact WPA to double-check these details.
- We can then agree a time and date for the initial assessment.
- Following the assessment, the therapist agrees a collaborative treatment plan with the customer and submits a completed WPA assessment form to request authorisation for treatment.
- The customer waits to receive confirmation from WPA (which usually takes < 7 days) and submits the authorisation details to Verdure Psychology.
- Therapy can then commence at a mutually-convenient time and Verdure Psychology will invoice WPA directly.